Together with WeChat

How It's Works

Transaction Guide:

SHENZHOU EXCHANGE is responsable only for legal and genuine RMB TRANSACTION . First and foremost, we want to assure you that your satisfaction and security are of utmost importance to us. Our commitment to transparency and compliance with all legal regulations is unwavering. As part of our ongoing legal transaction, there have been some developments that may require your attention. To ensure a smooth and successful process, we kindly request that you provide your full valid name, mobile number, valid government documents (ID or Passport, Driver licence).

For Bulk Transaction:
You will need to provide below document prior to the payment

We understand that legal transactions can be complex, and we are here to assist you every step of the way. Our goal is to ensure that the process is smooth, transparent, and mutually beneficial. WE DO NOT DO ILLEGAL TRANSACTIONS RMB.

Your personal information and data are handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. Rest assured that we have implemented robust security measures to safeguard your sensitive information.

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